Flags and Environment Variables


These flags are typically used in the kube-vip manifest generation process.

Category Flag
Usage Notes
--log default 4 Set to 5 for debugging logs
--arp Enables ARP broadcasts from Leader
--bgp Enables BGP peering from kube-vip
--table Enables routing entries to be created
--wireguard Enables services to be exposed over Wireguard
--controlplane Enables kube-vip control plane functionality
--services Enables kube-vip to watch services of type LoadBalancer
VIP Config
--vip <IP Address> (deprecated)
--address <IP Address> or <DNS name>
--ddns Enables DDNS support Requires --address is used and set to FQDN
--interface Linux interface on the node
--leaderElection Enables Kubernetes LeaderElection Used by ARP, as only the leader can broadcast
--enableLoadBalancer Enables IPVS load balancer kube-vip ≥ 0.4.0
--lbPort 6443 The port that the api server will load-balanced on
--lbForwardingMethod Select the forwarding method (default local) The IPVS forwarding method (local, masquerade, tunnel, direct, bypass)
--vipSubnet Defaults "" The Virtual IP address subnet e.g. /32 /24 /8 etc..
--cidr Defaults "32" Used when advertising BGP addresses (typically as x.x.x.x/32)
--serviceInterface "" (Optional) different interface to bind services too
--serviceElection false Enables a leadership Election for each Service, allowing them to be distributed
--inCluster Required for kube-vip as DaemonSet. Runs kube-vip with a ServiceAccount called kube-vip.
--taint Required for kube-vip as DaemonSet. Adds node affinity rules forcing kube-vip Pods to run on control plane.
--leaseDuration default 15 Seconds a lease is held for
--leaseRenewDuration default 10 Seconds a leader can attempt to renew the lease
--leaseRetry default 2 Number of times the leader will hold the lease for
--namespace "kube-vip" The namespace where the lease will reside
--bgpRouterID <IP Address> Typically the address of the local node
--localAS default 65000 The AS we peer from
--bgppeers <address:AS:password:multihop> Comma separated list of BGP peers
--peerAddress <IP Address> Address of a single BGP Peer
--peerAS default 65000 AS of a single BGP Peer
--peerPass "" Password to work with a single BGP Peer
--multiHop Enables eBGP MultiHop Enable multiHop with a single BGP Peer
--sourceif Source Interface Determines which interface BGP should peer from
--sourceip Source Address Determines which IP address BGP should peer from
--annotations <provider string> Startup will be paused until the node annotations contain the BGP configuration
Equinix Metal (May be deprecated)
--metal Enables Equinix Metal API calls
--metalKey Equinix Metal API token
--metalProject Equinix Metal Project (Name)
--metalProjectID Equinix Metal Project (UUID)
--provider-config Path to the Equinix Metal provider configuration Requires the Equinix Metal CCM

Environment Variables

These environment variables are usually part of a kube-vip manifest and used when running the kube-vip Pod.

More environment variables can be read through the pkg/kubevip/config_envvar.go file.

Category Environment Variable
Usage Notes
vip_loglevel default 4 Set to 5 for debugging logs
cp_enable Enables kube-vip control plane functionality
svc_enable Enables kube-vip to watch Services of type LoadBalancer
VIP Config
vip_arp Enables ARP broadcasts from Leader
bgp_enable Enables BGP peering from kube-vip
vip_address <IP Address> (deprecated)
address <IP Address> or <DNS name>
vip_ddns Boolean. Enables Dynamic DNS support. Requires vip_address is set to FQDN
vip_interface <linux interface>
vip_leaderelection Enables Kubernetes LeaderElection Used by ARP, as only the leader can broadcast
lb_enable Enables IPVS LoadBalancer kube-vip ≥ 0.4.0. Adds nodes to the IPVS load balancer
lb_port 6443 The IPVS port that will be used to load-balance control plane requests
lb_fwdmethod Select the forwarding method (default local) The IPVS forwarding method (local, masquerade, tunnel, direct, bypass)
vip_servicesinterface "" Defines an optional different interface to bind
vip_cidr Defaults "32" Used when advertising BGP addresses (typically as x.x.x.x/32)
vip_leaseduration default 5 Seconds a lease is held for
vip_renewdeadline default 3 Seconds a leader can attempt to renew the lease
vip_retryperiod default 1 Number of times the leader will hold the lease for
cp_namespace "kube-vip" The namespace where the lease will reside
egress_podcidr "" The CIDR range where pods will be allocated and IP address
egress_servicecidr "" The CIDR range where services will be allocated and IP address
bgp_routerid <IP Address> Typically the address of the local node
bgp_routerinterface Interface name Used to associate the routerID with the control plane's interface.
bgp_as default 65000 The AS we peer from
bgp_peers <address:AS:password:multihop> Comma separated list of BGP peers
bgp_peeraddress <IP Address> Address of a single BGP Peer
bgp_peeras default 65000 AS of a single BGP Peer
bgp_peerpass "" Password to work with a single BGP Peer
bgp_multihop Enables eBGP MultiHop Enable multiHop with a single BGP Peer
bgp_sourceif Source Interface Determines which interface BGP should peer from
bgp_sourceip Source Address Determines which IP address BGP should peer from
annotations <provider string> Startup will be paused until the node annotations contain the BGP configuration
Equinix Metal (May be deprecated)
vip_packet Enables Equinix Metal API calls
PACKET_AUTH_TOKEN Equinix Metal API token
vip_packetproject Equinix Metal Project (Name)
vip_packetprojectid Equinix Metal Project (UUID)
provider_config Path to the Equinix Metal provider configuration Requires the Equinix Metal CCM